Shinji Suzuki
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Project Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of TokyoBorn in 1953 in Gifu Prefecture. In 1979, Suzuki finished the Master’s course at Graduate School of Engineering of The University of Tokyo. After being employed by Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., he is currently a Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, and a Project Professor of Institute for Future Initiatives of the University of Tokyo after retirement of a Professor of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the University of Tokyo. Doctor of Engineering. Specialization: aeronautical engineering. The 43rd President of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. President of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. His publications include Hikōki Monogatari (published by Chikumashobo Ltd.), Gendai Kōkūron (Editor, The University of Tokyo Press) and Ochinai Hikōki eno Chōsen (Kagaku-Dojin Publishing Company, INC).
Executive Vice President
Yasuhiro Senda
Director of JAPAN-SME Innovation Association The Cutting Edge TAKUMI
In 1964, Senda graduated from the Department of Engineering of University of Tokyo and was employed by Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co. Ltd (currently KDDI CORPORATION). After his engagement in the research and development of international phone exchange system and data exchange system, Yasuhiro used to be the Chief of London Office, General Manager and Director of Telehouse Europe Co. Ltd. In 1996, he became the Director of O-net, Inc. Afterwards, in 2000, Senda becomes a committee of NASDA National Space Development Agency of Japan (currently JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), in 2012, a Director of Kokka-Vision Research Centre and in 2013, a Director of Japan SME Innovation Association.
Executive Director
Kakuya Iwata
Principal Investigator of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
In 1998, Iwata became a member of the Electrotechnical Laboratory belonging to Ministry of International Trade and Industry’s Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. Awards: 16th Electronic Materials Symposium Award and 12th Lecture Honorable Mention by The Japan Society of Applied Physics. Kakuya experienced the growth of white LED development from zero to trillion yen industry. After the development of semiconductor manufacturing equipment made him interested in robotics, in 2004, Iwata transfers to Intelligent Systems Research Institute of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and starts research and development of UAS. In 2007, Kakuya received the Outstanding Lecture Award by Transportation and Logistics Division of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. In 2007, he engages in robot policies at Industrial Machinery Division of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In 2009, Iwata launched the UAV development for “NIIGATA SKY PROJECT”.
Executive Director, Secretary General
Tomoyuki Kumada
In 1970, Kumada graduated from the Department of Political Economy of Waseda University. He worked in Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co. Ltd (currently KDDI CORPORATION). In 1999, Kumada established the company named “Icomnet” (currently known as Blue Innovation Co., Ltd.) and acted as its director. Through the management and technology consulting business, Kumada has been nurturing venture entrepreneurs in both local and overseas, and engaging in new technology development projects in various fields, including ITC, environment, energy and health. Having recognized the business possibilities of UAV in its early stages, Kumada advances various projects starting from machine development to research and development of various applications. In 2012, Kumada appointed Senior Advisor of Blue Innovation Co., Ltd. (retired in 2017) In 2014, Kumada appointed Director and Secretary General of JUIDA, to the present.
Daisuke Kubo
Chief Development Researcher of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA)
Daisuke Kubo is an associate senior researcher working for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. He has more than 15 years of experience in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) including a variety of technology fields flight dynamics, flight control, airframe design, and operations technologies and a wide range of platform size from an indoor micro aerial vehicle to a large high-altitude long endurance UAS conceptual design. He was an expert analyst in flight dynamics for JTSB (Japan Transportation Safety Board) of Japanese government. He was a visiting researcher at NASA Ames Research Center working for UTM (2017-2018). He earned a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering from the University of Tokyo, 2008. He was born in 1979 in Iwate Prefecture. He has more than 100 flight hours as a current FAA student pilot training for his private pilot license.
Daisaku Yasuoka
Certified Public Accountant
Born in Kochi prefecture of Shikoku Island in 1949. Yasuoka graduated Hitotsubashi University with Bachelor of Art and joined Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha, a shipping company in 1974. He was engaged mainly in Administration Department and worked in London Representative office for about one year during the career. He left Daiichi in 1999 and started studying accounting for a Certified Pubic Accountant. In 2010 became CPA(Japan) after finished Waseda University Graduate School of accountings. Thereafter, he was mostly engaged in non-profit accounting.
Special Adviser
Special Adviser
Yoshio Aoki
Project Professor, Nihon University
Principal, Nihon University Daiichi Junior & Senior High SchoolIn 1985, Aoki obtained his doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering at Graduate School of Nihon University. After serving as a visiting researcher at the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at University of Colorado Boulder, he became a professor at the College of Science and Technology of Nihon University, the Councilor of Nihon University, and Dean of College of Science and Technology, Nihon University. He is currently Project Professor at Nihon University and Principal of Nihon University Daiichi Junior & Senior High School. His specializations are structural mechanics, safety design engineering,and composite material mechanics. He is serving as the Vice Chairman of SAMPE JAPAN, Director of Japan Society for Composite Materials, Director of the Japan Reinforced Plastics Society, Director of the Japan Building Equipment and Elevator Center Foundation, Social Capital Development Council. He is also member of Elevator Accident Investigation Subcommittee for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and member of Building Accident Disaster Countermeasures Committee etc.
Yoshiyori Urano
Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
In 1970, Urano received his Doctoral Degree in Science and Engineering at Graduate School of Waseda University.He joined Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co., Ltd (currently KDDI CORPORATION), and served as Director of Research and Development Laboratories from 1993 to 1996.After serving as Professor, Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, he is currently Professor Emeritus of Waseda University.He mainly engaged in research on Internet applications such as e-Learning, e-Healthcare and International cooperation projects related to Human Resource Development in ICT fields.Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Fellow.Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Fellow.
Gaku Minorikawa
Professor, Hosei University
Director, Hosei University Urban Air Mobility LaboratoryProfessor Minorikawa completed the master’s program at the Graduate School of Engineering, Hosei University in 1992.After working at Ebara Res. Co., Ltd., in 1999, he became Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University (currently Faculty of Science and Engineering).Consistently engaged in research on fan noise and aerodynamic noise, he is Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology).Since 2005, he has been involved in the establishment of the Department of Aeronautical Maneuvering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, and at the same time started aircraft research. Current themes include: research on new categories of small aircraft, aircraft electrification, and urban air mobility.He is also member of the public-private council for the Air Mobility Revolution and Chief Executive Officer of HIEN Aero Technologies Co., Ltd.
Seiji Tanaka
President & Representative Director, ICT Support Co.,Ltd.
In 1968, Tanaka completed master’s course in Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kumamoto University. He was hired for Senior Post in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. While serving as Director of the Space International Division, Research and Development Bureau, Science and Technology Agency, Director of the Kanto Telecommunications Administration Bureau, Director of the Radio Department of the Telecommunications Bureau of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and Director-General of Technology at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, he mainly engaged in radio administration before retiring in June 2001. After that, he served as Director in charge of School Broadcasting at the Open University of Japan, Managing Executive Officer of NTT DoCoMo, and Chairman of the Radio Engineering and Electronics Association. Currently, he is a Director of Cube Earth, and he established the ICT Support Co.,Ltd that utilizes senior-class ICT experts in August 2014 and serves as President and Representative Director.
Hiroko Nakamura
Senior Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo
She manages various committees that bring together stakeholders to coordinate the private sector consensus necessary to realize mobility innovation from the sky and to foster social acceptance of new technologies.
She has been in her current position since April 2024. She also serves as Deputy Secretary General of the Japan UTM Consortium, Founder of the Next Generation Air Mobility Cities Network (UIC2-Japan), and secretary of the Japan RPAS Committee (within JRPAS and AIDA). -
Asei Ito
Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
Asei Ito obtained Ph.D. in Economics from Graduate school of Economics, University of Keio, Japan. His research covers the Chinese industrial development, China’s outward FDI activities, and innovation in China and Asia. He is the author of Industrial Clusters in Contemporary China: “The Workshop of the World” and A Bottom-up Economic Development (the University of Nagoya Press, 2015, in Japanese) and China Unmanned Aerial System Industry Report 2017: An emerging industry from an emerging economy (the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, in Japanese), and one of co-editors of China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment Data (University of Tokyo, 2014, in English) and Understanding Contemporary China: Lecture Series at the University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo Press, 2014, in Japanese).
Tomotaka Ishii
Associate Professor, KIT Graduate School
CEO, LOCOK CorporationHe obtained Ph.D in Media Design from Keio University Graduate School of Media Design after graduated from the Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science of the same University. After working for TBS TV for 15 years, he developed the Life Education business in the current position. LOCOK manages educational and gymnastics classes, babysitter business, and conducts leadership management training for sports teams such as Chiba Lotte Marines and companies. He authored “Tsukushi-kai education method for giving body, mind, and brain to parents and children” (Pia MOOK, 2019) and “Application of drone for entertainment programs”(ITE Technical Group Submission System)
Manabu Shimamoto
Major General(Retired)
Integrated crisis general managerManabu Shimamoto was born in Hokkaido in 1965. Graduated from the department of International Relations, National Defense Academy in 1989. Worked in the fields: command (each level commander, camp commander), intelligence (intelligence manager, etc.), education (education manager, chief instructor, etc.), training(operational training officer, etc.), R&D(chief research and development officer, etc.), public relations ( Press room staff), as a Ground Self-Defense Force officer. During this time, he was also involved in training drone personnel, promoting the utilization of drones, and strengthening cooperation with private drone organizations. He was a Defense Attache of the Embassy of Japan in Egypt from 2007 for 3 years. He retired as the Lieutenant General and assumed his current position in 2022. He is Former Counselor of Crisis Management Department, Saitama City Hall. Completed the GSDF CGS course, the United Nations Post-conflict Peacebuilding Seminar, and the US Army Pacific Army Management Seminar.
About the Association
- Name
General Incorporated Association Japan UAS Industrial Development Association
- Establishment
31st July 2014
- Representative
Shinji Suzuki
- Officials
President: Shinji Suzuki (Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo Project Professor/ Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo)
Executive Vice President: Yasuhiro Senda (Director of JAPAN-SME Innovation Association The Cutting Edge TAKUMI)
Executive Director: Kakuya Iwata (Principal Investigator of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Secretary General: Tomoyuki Kumada
Director: Daisuke Kubo
Treasurer: Daisaku Yasuoka(Certified Public Accountant)- Special
Adviser Yoshio Aoki(Project Professor, Nihon University/Principal, Nihon University Daiichi Junior & Senior High School)
Yoshiyori Urano(Professor Emeritus, Waseda University)
Gaku Minorikawa(Professor, Hosei University)
Seiji Tanaka(President & Representative Director, ICT Support Co.,Ltd.)- Adviser
Hiroko Nakamura(Senior Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo)
Asei Ito(Associate professor at the Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo)
Tomotaka Ishii(CEO, LOCOK Corporation)
Manabu Shimamoto(Major General(Retired), Integrated crisis general manager)- Primary
Business Formulation and supervision of AMS Safety Guidelines
Training and Certification of AMS Operators
Support of research development to the application technology to AMS industry in private sector
Implementation and commission of AMS research studies
Information exchange, holding of overseas study tour, events and seminars for the growth of AMS industry in private sector
Management of AMS Test Airfields
Support to the small ventures in AMS related industry
Exchange of information, collaboration and cooperation during research and education between AMS related organizations nationally and overseas
*AMS: Advanced Mobility Systems, including UAS and UAM- Secretariat
4/F, Ichigo Hongo Bldg,5-33-10, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
4/F, Ichigo Hongo Bldg,5-33-10, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
TEL:+81-3-5244-5285(Opening hours: 10:00~12:00, 13:00~18:00)